Minggu, 06 September 2015

Color - Style - Google design guidelines
Style chevron_right Color


Color in material design is inspired by bold hues juxtaposed with muted environments, deep shadows, and bright highlights. Material takes cues from contemporary architecture, road signs, pavement marking tape, and athletic courts. Color should be unexpected and vibrant.

Color palette Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

This color palette comprises primary and accent colors that can be used for illustration or to develop your brand colors. They’ve been designed to work harmoniously with each other.

The color palette starts with primary colors and fills in the spectrum to create a complete and usable palette for Android, Web, and iOS. Google suggests using the 500 colors as the primary colors in your app and the other colors as accents colors.

  • Red 500 #f44336
  • 50#ffebee
  • 100#ffcdd2
  • 200#ef9a9a
  • 300#e57373
  • 400#ef5350
  • 500#f44336
  • 600#e53935
  • 700#d32f2f
  • 800#c62828
  • 900#b71c1c
  • A100#ff8a80
  • A200#ff5252
  • A400#ff1744
  • A700#d50000
  • Pink 500 #e91e63
  • 50#fce4ec
  • 100#f8bbd0
  • 200#f48fb1
  • 300#f06292
  • 400#ec407a
  • 500#e91e63
  • 600#d81b60
  • 700#c2185b
  • 800#ad1457
  • 900#880e4f
  • A100#ff80ab
  • A200#ff4081
  • A400#f50057
  • A700#c51162
  • Purple 500 #9c27b0
  • 50#f3e5f5
  • 100#e1bee7
  • 200#ce93d8
  • 300#ba68c8
  • 400#ab47bc
  • 500#9c27b0
  • 600#8e24aa
  • 700#7b1fa2
  • 800#6a1b9a
  • 900#4a148c
  • A100#ea80fc
  • A200#e040fb
  • A400#d500f9
  • A700#aa00ff
  • Deep Purple 500 #673ab7
  • 50#ede7f6
  • 100#d1c4e9
  • 200#b39ddb
  • 300#9575cd
  • 400#7e57c2
  • 500#673ab7
  • 600#5e35b1
  • 700#512da8
  • 800#4527a0
  • 900#311b92
  • A100#b388ff
  • A200#7c4dff
  • A400#651fff
  • A700#6200ea
  • Indigo 500 #3f51b5
  • 50#e8eaf6
  • 100#c5cae9
  • 200#9fa8da
  • 300#7986cb
  • 400#5c6bc0
  • 500#3f51b5
  • 600#3949ab
  • 700#303f9f
  • 800#283593
  • 900#1a237e
  • A100#8c9eff
  • A200#536dfe
  • A400#3d5afe
  • A700#304ffe
  • Blue 500 #2196f3
  • 50#e3f2fd
  • 100#bbdefb
  • 200#90caf9
  • 300#64b5f6
  • 400#42a5f5
  • 500#2196f3
  • 600#1e88e5
  • 700#1976d2
  • 800#1565c0
  • 900#0d47a1
  • A100#82b1ff
  • A200#448aff
  • A400#2979ff
  • A700#2962ff
  • Light Blue 500 #03a9f4
  • 50#e1f5fe
  • 100#b3e5fc
  • 200#81d4fa
  • 300#4fc3f7
  • 400#29b6f6
  • 500#03a9f4
  • 600#039be5
  • 700#0288d1
  • 800#0277bd
  • 900#01579b
  • A100#80d8ff
  • A200#40c4ff
  • A400#00b0ff
  • A700#0091ea
  • Cyan 500 #00bcd4
  • 50#e0f7fa
  • 100#b2ebf2
  • 200#80deea
  • 300#4dd0e1
  • 400#26c6da
  • 500#00bcd4
  • 600#00acc1
  • 700#0097a7
  • 800#00838f
  • 900#006064
  • A100#84ffff
  • A200#18ffff
  • A400#00e5ff
  • A700#00b8d4
  • Teal 500 #009688
  • 50#e0f2f1
  • 100#b2dfdb
  • 200#80cbc4
  • 300#4db6ac
  • 400#26a69a
  • 500#009688
  • 600#00897b
  • 700#00796b
  • 800#00695c
  • 900#004d40
  • A100#a7ffeb
  • A200#64ffda
  • A400#1de9b6
  • A700#00bfa5
  • Green 500 #4caf50
  • 50#e8f5e9
  • 100#c8e6c9
  • 200#a5d6a7
  • 300#81c784
  • 400#66bb6a
  • 500#4caf50
  • 600#43a047
  • 700#388e3c
  • 800#2e7d32
  • 900#1b5e20
  • A100#b9f6ca
  • A200#69f0ae
  • A400#00e676
  • A700#00c853
  • Light Green 500 #8bc34a
  • 50#f1f8e9
  • 100#dcedc8
  • 200#c5e1a5
  • 300#aed581
  • 400#9ccc65
  • 500#8bc34a
  • 600#7cb342
  • 700#689f38
  • 800#558b2f
  • 900#33691e
  • A100#ccff90
  • A200#b2ff59
  • A400#76ff03
  • A700#64dd17
  • Lime 500 #cddc39
  • 50#f9fbe7
  • 100#f0f4c3
  • 200#e6ee9c
  • 300#dce775
  • 400#d4e157
  • 500#cddc39
  • 600#c0ca33
  • 700#afb42b
  • 800#9e9d24
  • 900#827717
  • A100#f4ff81
  • A200#eeff41
  • A400#c6ff00
  • A700#aeea00
  • Yellow 500 #ffeb3b
  • 50#fffde7
  • 100#fff9c4
  • 200#fff59d
  • 300#fff176
  • 400#ffee58
  • 500#ffeb3b
  • 600#fdd835
  • 700#fbc02d
  • 800#f9a825
  • 900#f57f17
  • A100#ffff8d
  • A200#ffff00
  • A400#ffea00
  • A700#ffd600
  • Amber 500 #ffc107
  • 50#fff8e1
  • 100#ffecb3
  • 200#ffe082
  • 300#ffd54f
  • 400#ffca28
  • 500#ffc107
  • 600#ffb300
  • 700#ffa000
  • 800#ff8f00
  • 900#ff6f00
  • A100#ffe57f
  • A200#ffd740
  • A400#ffc400
  • A700#ffab00
  • Orange 500 #ff9800
  • 50#fff3e0
  • 100#ffe0b2
  • 200#ffcc80
  • 300#ffb74d
  • 400#ffa726
  • 500#ff9800
  • 600#fb8c00
  • 700#f57c00
  • 800#ef6c00
  • 900#e65100
  • A100#ffd180
  • A200#ffab40
  • A400#ff9100
  • A700#ff6d00
  • Deep Orange 500 #ff5722
  • 50#fbe9e7
  • 100#ffccbc
  • 200#ffab91
  • 300#ff8a65
  • 400#ff7043
  • 500#ff5722
  • 600#f4511e
  • 700#e64a19
  • 800#d84315
  • 900#bf360c
  • A100#ff9e80
  • A200#ff6e40
  • A400#ff3d00
  • A700#dd2c00
  • Brown 500 #795548
  • 50#efebe9
  • 100#d7ccc8
  • 200#bcaaa4
  • 300#a1887f
  • 400#8d6e63
  • 500#795548
  • 600#6d4c41
  • 700#5d4037
  • 800#4e342e
  • 900#3e2723
  • Grey 500 #9e9e9e
  • 50#fafafa
  • 100#f5f5f5
  • 200#eeeeee
  • 300#e0e0e0
  • 400#bdbdbd
  • 500#9e9e9e
  • 600#757575
  • 700#616161
  • 800#424242
  • 900#212121
  • Blue Grey 500 #607d8b
  • 50#eceff1
  • 100#cfd8dc
  • 200#b0bec5
  • 300#90a4ae
  • 400#78909c
  • 500#607d8b
  • 600#546e7a
  • 700#455a64
  • 800#37474f
  • 900#263238
  • Black#000000
  • White#ffffff

UI color application Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Choose your palette

Limit your selection of colors by choosing three hues from the primary palette and one accent color from the secondary palette.

Example of a primary color palette
Example of a secondary palette

Use opacity for text, icons, and dividers

You can change the opacity of text to convey how important certain information is relative to other text.

Dark text on light backgrounds

White text on dark backgrounds

Dark text on light backgrounds

For dark text on a light background, the most important text has an opacity of 87%. Secondary text, which is lower in the visual hierarchy, has an opacity of 54%. Text hints, like those in text fields and labels, and disabled text have even lower visual prominence with an opacity of 26%.

Dark text (#000000)


Primary text


Secondary text


Hint and disabled text and icons


White text on dark backgrounds

The chart values relay relative levels of importance for white text on dark backgrounds.

Hint and disabled content

Hint and disabled text and icons have an opacity of 26% for dark text on light backgrounds, and an opacity of 30% for white text on dark backgrounds.

Text on colored backgrounds

For white or black text on colored backgrounds, see these tables of color palettes for the appropriate contrast ratios and hex values.

Other elements

Other elements, such as icons and dividers, benefit from having a hex value of black or white so that they work on backgrounds of any color.

Light text (#FFFFFF)


Primary text


Secondary text


Hint and disabled text and icons


Toolbars and status bars

Toolbars and larger color blocks should use the 500 color of the primary color of your app. The status bar should be the darker 700 tint of your primary color.

Bold use of color in large fields is encouraged. Different elements in the UI can take on different parts of your color theme.

The toolbar uses the 500 version of indigo, while the status bar uses the 700 version.

When editing a folder name, the entire title and description area uses indigo as the background color.

Accent color

Use the accent color for your primary action button and components like switches or sliders.

Floating accent button using the accent color

Switch using the accent color


Only use the accent color for body text to accent a web link.


Don’t use the accent color for body text color.


Use the accent color for your primary action button and components like switches or sliders.


Don’t use the accent color for app bars or larger areas of color. Avoid using the same color for the floating action button and the background.

Fallback accent colors

If your accent color is too light or dark to sufficiently contrast with the background color, use a darker or lighter tint of the accent color instead. If your accent color doesn’t work at all, use the 500 version of your primary color on white backgrounds. If your background color is the 500 version of your primary color, make your accent color either white 100% or black 54%.


Use a fallback accent color over background colors that are too light or too dark.


Don’t use the accent color over a background color if there isn’t enough contrast.

Themes Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

Themes let you apply a consistent tone to an app. The theme specifies the darkness of the surfaces, level of shadow, and appropriate opacity of ink elements. To promote greater consistency between apps, light and dark themes are available to choose from.

Light theme

1. Status bar
2. App bar
3. Background
4. Cards/Dialogs

Light theme palette

UI application

Dark theme

1. Status bar
2. App bar
3. Background
4. Cards/Dialogs

Dark theme palette

UI application

Selasa, 30 September 2014

Custom Rom CollorOS v2.0 OPPO - Evercoss A7S

Bismillah hirohmanirohim
Rom ColorOS portingan

Fitur :
- Lumayan smooth
- tampilan enak dah di liat nya
- yang lainnya gimna agan agan sekalian liat deh

      (Creadit Port  by. Agan Muhamad Aslan )

Bug :

Update V2 FIX Full :
♪-> Boot.img (kernel Des for Oppo) 
♪-> Boot.bin (logo Boot Mod)
♪-> Camera ( fix 8mp dan record video 1080 HD)
♪-> Tweak (Tweakforall, swap cache 300mb, juwe, Unlock Fps 60) 
♪-> Fix compas
♪-> Fix Sensor 
♪-> Fix Gps dan
♪-> App tambahan: cek sendiri hehehe
♪-> DLL ( Dan Lupa Lagi) hahaha

Update Oplosan ColorOS  :
Install via cwm/twrp/ctr. Ga perlu wipe2an
What's new :
Holiday mode
Power manager
Weather widget (Transparent)

- Kamera
- Power manager
- Weather widget (Transparent)
- Bootlogo
- Bootanimation

Thanks buat update nya ya bang Ankaka Kaskus, widget jadi lebih mantep + Kamera jadi lebih kinclong dan gak error kalo ngerekam video pake kamera bawaan

               Note :
- Di kamera kebaca resolusi sampe 13mp, tapi nanti hasilnya cuma 8mp wide. Kalo mau jadi 13mp tinggal instal 12mp fix di doc dan Mode HDR ga jalan
Edit : Dan ga ada mode slow shutter
- Beberapa aplikasi dari tampilannya ga ada bedanya, krn itu cuma minor update
Will be updated, hopefully

Update UI :

disable signsgture dulu

flash harus wipe cache wipe dalvic dahulu
(Creadit by. Agan Khoi Rudhin )

Sorry Ane edit dikit buat nambahin update Flyme nya ^_^ silahkan comot !

Flyme :
(Credit by Agan Nanang Rilozdualelea)

Cara instal :
full wipe dan instal via cwm via aroma intaler nnti di next next aja dan finish reboot sama agan sendiri nanti, pas pertama nyala agan lama di booting pertamanya

Kalo mau balik lagi ke yang gak Flyme tinggal push Systemui + Framework dari bawaan Rom nya

Be Smart User !!!

Big thanks to:
  1. - Allah SWT
  2. - Muhamad Aslan For Port Rom
  3. - Kresna Bayu
  4. - Dheonz Kuzuma For Full Update
  5. - Ankaka Kaskus for Update
  6. - Ahmad SChichiryuteii For share Flyme n Tweak
  7. - Khoi Rudhin for UI
  8. - Rangga Kusumah (mito fantasi)
  9. - Nanang Rilozdualelea (AmoiMod)
  1. - Tukang pulsa- Mastah yang punya rom dari Mito fantasi Dan Lenovo a369i 
  2. - semua member evas 7 dan Admin
  3. - Oppo Forum